Creative Confidence-Building Positive Affirmations for All Ages

Creative Confidence-Building Positive Affirmations for All Ages



This book of Creative Confidence-Building Positive Affirmations for All Ages
is a powerful way to help you and your family create a habit of daily positive affirmations in a fun way!
Take a few minutes each day to doodle or color while you contemplate a power affirmation.

First you will need to choose a page. Start from the beginning and
do each one in order or pick one randomly.

Then get out your pens, markers, pencils or crayons.

Next you will need to read the affirmation. Close your eyes for a
moment and repeat it in your mind. As you color or doodle think
about the affirmation and how you can use it’s message in your life.
You can also include some of your notes or ideas in your doodles!

You certainly don’t need to finish your design all at once! Work on
it for a bit then come back to it in a few days or a few weeks. It can
be fun to see how your thoughts and feeling may have changed.

This book is meant to be fun and suitable for all ages. Leave a
copy of this book in your family room and encourage all your
family members to take a non-screen break!


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